Depression Treatment San Diego

BareWell Psychology is a premier therapy group for depression treatment in San Diego. Our team of highly experienced psychiatrists and therapists creates customized treatment plans to help patients attain improved emotional and spiritual wellness.

Our depression treatment program

We use psychotherapies to treat depression and underlying mental health problems. Psychotherapy is among the most reliable treatments for depression and offers the following benefits:

  1. Allows you to manage crises and tackle complex life issues via a rational approach

  2. Helps you identify negative beliefs and behaviors and enables you to replace them with healthy ones

  3. Develop relationships and positive interactions with others

  4. Learn and adopt better ways to cope and solve problems

  5. Identify the underlying causes of depression and address the behaviors that make it worse

We also use psychotherapy and counseling to help our clients attain a sense of satisfaction and control in their lives. Our depression therapy in San Diego helps ease depression symptoms like hopelessness, anger and helps individuals learn and develop healthy behaviors to tolerate, manage, and accept distress.

Do I have depression?

Depression refers to experiencing a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Individuals with depression may find it hard to participate in day-to-day activities and feel hopeless or worthless. You must seek San Diego depression treatment if you experience one or more of the following symptoms:

  1. Feelings of sadness, tearfulness, emptiness, or hopelessness

  2. Angry or emotional outbursts, irritability, or frustration over tiny matters

  3. Loss of interest or pleasure in sex, hobbies, social gatherings, or sports

  4. Insomnia or sleeping too much

  5. Feeling tired or lacking the energy to carry out even small tasks

  6. Reduced appetite or increased cravings

  7. Unexplained weight gain or weight loss

It is pivotal that you sign up for an outpatient depression treatment program at the earliest to prevent more damaging health problems over time.

Importance of depression treatment

If you experience symptoms of mental health issues, you must seek depression and anxiety treatment in San Diego as soon as possible. Depression is a severe disorder that can take a terrible toll on your life, career, relationships, and loved ones. It is a mental health condition that worsens if left untreated, leading to emotional and behavioral problems over the years.

Not seeking help for depression can lead to alcohol or drug abuse, suicidal feelings, self-mutilation, social phobia, anxiety, and numerous other medical conditions. We are a top-rated depression treatment center in San Diego with an excellent team of mental health professionals who offer personalized care and support.

How can I prevent depression?

There are no preventative measures for avoiding depression. Here are a few strategies that may help:

  1. Practice yoga or meditation regularly to control stress.

  2. Engage in physical exercise to increase resilience and boost self-esteem.

  3. Attend therapy regularly with an experienced therapist to help you cope with rough spells and manage crises efficiently.

Verify your insurance with us at 619-391-9665. BareWell Psychology has hundreds of positive reviews and the highest success rates. We offer highly effective depression treatment in San Diego with a dedicated psychiatric team. Contact us now for appointments.